Interview Request

  1. Interview requests reviewed in order of promised donation to Big Brothers/Big Sisters. No guarantee is made for an interview.
  2. Interviews will be selected based on article content, not donation size. The larger donations are merely reviewed first as time allows.
  3. You can resubmit your request and submit more than one. You will receive a listing of topic submissions with your submission.
  4. Limited time offer. There are no refunds of the $13 submission fee which is a two-fer donation, that is, your account will be credited with both lifehour warrants and lifehour credits.

    Select focus of your interview
    1. 24in4: Share Job Time or Jobless Crime
    2. CO2: Killer Molecule
    3. Brainbees, Citizen Legislation & Zero-Cost Primaries
    4. Brainbee, Super
    5. Brainbee, Civility
    6. Decapitalism
    7. Democracy
    8. Healthcare: Community Service
    9. Igknowance Tax (Bill of Responsibility)
    10. Lifehours
    11. Manheaven Project
    12. Primary Moral Imperative: Save Life on Earth
    13. PTSD (future)
    14. Tax Reform: Profit Sharing
    15. Timism: Morality of More Time
    16. Timism: Freedoms and Rights
    17. VoteTime

    18. National TV news
    19. Talk Show

    Email Address

    Author/Source Info ($5 fee to review and QC)
    Author's Name
    Title of Article
    Article URL
    BBBS $ Big Brothers/Big Sisters tentative donation in dollars

    Review Submission.
    Submit Is Not Active
