Lifehour Opportunities: Clubs ... Manage ... Quests ... Scripts

A Non-Silicon Valley Startup

Converting Lifehour Credits into Cash

Scripts of Timism

Note: Only positions with a button are available.
Either the position is not available or it is full.
To keep abreast of positions, follow on

Will be emailed when necessities are met.

Revu to see if jobs are open or visit for daily review

$1,000,000 Special Bonus: Brainbees & VoteTime

Numbers indicate positions available.
You can apply as a backup if positions are filled but someone is dismissed.

States Listing by size and Congressional Districts

Positions with two openings constitute senior and junior

If no selection button then either finished or not available.

Q&A at ??

Record times at ...

Sections: Click to leap

EC SC # O Position/Description Signup S D
Timists: Party Maker ... ??

Scripters, PHP/Mysqli: Scripts of Timism ( Revu Openings)

3 24in4Signup
3 Brainbees***
EC SC 1 Coordinator
3 JobTime***
1 Signup

Revu ... Apply ... Delete existing postion

Email address

To cover processing, a $1 fee is charged to review or to signup.
Receive one lifehour credit for processing time (about 5 minutes).

Notes and incomplete thoughts:

  1. Please note on pay and redemption: at loan, then one hour pay ... hourly lifehour comp to be varied.
  2. Cost one dollar to apply--security feature. First to trade lifehour credis ... Buyback versus Middle-class buy  ...
  3. Product development: rights 10% donation to V.A. hospital. T-shirts, cups, flags
  4. Applications will be taken when National Rights Obtained by a Virginia Public University.
  5. Applications to be initially limited to unversity students and alumni per email domain name.
  6. Pay: Parity to private enterprise. Initially in lifehour credits till cashflow. Monthly proportional distribution. Credits redeemed later via a
  7. Limited to three
  8. Primary ones:
    1. Ballot Managers
  9. Dutch Auction or
  10. traded on-line.
  11. Bonuses: See
  12. Commitees