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Dying lists and explains Carbon Dioxide "hot
spots" that
Important to know: Forest fire hot spots destroy millions in property damage but the downwind deluges cause billions in property and infrastructure losses. |
East Coast Conflagration Dominion Energy's Atlantic Coast Pipeline (ACP) will burn 1.5 billion cubic feet of natural gas each day--one-fifth of Saudi output that has burned up East and Equatorial Africa causing social, economic and political chaos/collapse. Based on above events detailing CO2 Hotspots, Virginia can expect a drop in precipitation as Dominion's CO2 soaks up water and drops it into the Atlantic Ocean. Farmers will produce less or none. Forest fires will increase inasmuch as Virginia is covered 66% by forest. One can envision a forest fire beginning in the Appalacnian Mountains and not stopping till it has devasted Norfolk and Virginia Beach including Norfolk Naval Station and Oceana Naval Air Station. Business will have new competition: Dominion Energy is advertising to bring in new businesses. The ACP is a short-term money-maker for Dominion Energy's petrophiliacs who can and will move away from dehydrated, dessicated Commonwealth. For more information, visit Save Atlantic Coast--Stop the Pipeline. |