Wall Street hijacked terms and tools of capitalism to decapitalize production
and decapitates jobs, i.e., Decapitalism--Economic Bloodshed.
If you are going to bitch about bad economics, get the right verbal vituperation,
Uncorrupted capitalism is simply and literally rewarding the problem-solver for using their head (capita). The reward will be a symbol of the time created or saved by solving a time-wasting problem. Currency acquired should reflect what one is currently worth. (index of essays) When one creates/saves time, one goes forward in one's existence, that is, one has a profit (pro esse). Pro esse is the same root of pride. Only problem-solvers can take pride in their currency acquisition. Pro esse means forward existence or forward time. Wall Street has numerous schemes to fleece the workers of their fair share of profits. The worst are 401ks, the biggest bank robbery in history. |