Quarantining Covid-19 is a waste of time and money, making worse the overall disaster
- Speaders/infectors can be without symptoms (asymptomatic).
- Like HIV, once you have it, you have it. There is no cure.
- Like HIV and unprotected sex (in which you are sharing all prior sex partners), with Covid-19 you are speaking with all the prior speakers of your conversation partner.
- Multi-venue transmission
- Even if you are symptomatic and get over the symptoms, you are still a spreader.
- It can be transmitted to dogs per Hong Kong discovery (and probably vice versa as well as other mammals, e.g., cats).
- I am waiting for the first nursing home report [actually reported 02029]. which will result in the low-paid staff staying home living off their EBT food stamps. Nursing homes will look like Syrian refugee hospitals as staff and supplies disappear.
- Likewise, with a certain glee, waiting for a person infecting a sporting event where America plays, plays, plays too much.
- Community spread has been documented, that is, infection without any known source.
- Like the Black Plague of the 1300s where pilgrims spread the disease, religious centers are hotspots in Iran and Korea. With HIV-onset, for communion, chuches switched from chalices with holy blood to thimbles. What will they do with Covid-19?
- Can spread on surface areas for up to 9 days. Gassing public areas is a waste of time: It is like a blind man painting a 3-D sculpture with many nooks and crannies.
- A tipping-point tsunami of infections is coming.
- A CDC official said, "It is not 'if' but 'when'."
- More than one expert has said to expect 40% to 60% infections of population.
- If 50% infection rate in U.S. then 175 million infections.
- Covid-19 is 20 times more fatal than seasonal flu, that is, 2% instead of 0.1%
- Thus, U.S. deaths will be 3.5 million. (Globally, it will be 175 million.)
- Pooh-poohing Covid-19 with seasonal flus because of the latter's annual death toll igknows two facts: Seasonal flu has been around for a long time and it started with one person decades ago.
- [If you believe Trump's propaganda, I believe the fingers of fate should reward you for your great wisdom.]
- Qurantine Futility
- Since local quarantines merely delays the infection spread, quarantine is a waste of time and money ($3.5 billion).
- Closing all borders (national, state and city) will slow the spread until a vaccine is developed.
- Like reversing climate change by drastic actions, Mother Nature will rule the roost and destroy economies more.
- Like a misbehaving child deserving a whupping, better to suffer Mother Nature's whupping sooner rather than later as a necessity to lower the economic cost, political chaos and human suffering.
- Scorched earth policy
- In WWII, Gen. Geo. Patton (Old Blood and Guts) was criticized for throwing his men into battle when he could have waited and had fewer battle casualties. He responded that the total war deaths would be less with a non-stop offensive. Gen. Ulysse S. Grant had the same winning attitude in the US Civil War as did the Russians in WWII.
- A ban on any preventive measures--since there are none--is akin to a scorched earth policy to stop an invader compared to the Southerns in the Civil War who kept trying to keep their valuables and foodstock which merely fed the marching armies of Gen. Billie Sherman.
- Thus, the politicians response of trying to stop an inevitable infectious flood is only making things worse as those who are not going to die are going to suffer unnecessary unemployment, hunger, violence, and national debt
- Survival of the fittest
- Akin to soldiers going to war, some of us are going to die no matter what.
- Hesitation only prolongs the war and worsens the outcome.
- Let us get our whupping done-and-over.
- A positive reason to cheer for Covid-19
- After Columbus arrived in the Western Hemisphere, the atmospheric CO2 level dropped by 15ppm from 1585 to 1615 (about 8%). The associated temperature drop prompted a "little iceage." The reason was how European diseases killed 90% of the people in areas visited by the Spaniards. With kudzu rapidity, tree-height flora rapidly over-grew sites of civilizations, many of which were not discovered in jungles until the late 1900s. This vegetative growth sequestered massive amounts of CO2.
- Covid-19 is causing a drop in fossil fuel combustion which will retard CO2 atmospheric increases. Unfortunately, probably not enough to reverse climate chaos. A 90% drop in global human population, like the 1500s, might do the trick.