Global Dying and Climate Hell
A major web section of is Global Dying which explains and lists Carbon Dioxide "hot spots" that
  1. cause drought as a result of CO2 soaking up water (hydrophilia/dessication), and,
  2. cause downwind deluges and floods (aka soda bottle shake).

Examples of CO2 hot spots are oil fields and California.

It is important to note that forest fire hot spots may destroy millions in property damage but the downwind deluges cause billions in property and infrastructure losses (US downwind from California and Philipines downwind from Australia).

Essential to understanding the electro-chemical nature of climate change is Carbon Dioxite: The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule which summarizes over two dozen essays on climate hell.

Listed originally were

  1. US Dustbowl #1 (1933-1940) East Texas
  2. US Dustbowl #2 (1950-1957) West Texas
  3. East Africa (1967 onward) Saudi Peninsula (Interesting fact: During 9 months of OPEC embargo [1973-1974] with 95% drop in upwind oil pumping, drought went away.)
  4. West Africa (1970s+)
  5. Alaska (1970s+) Prudhoe Bay
  6. China/Korea (1997) Permian Basin
  7. Canada (1999) Alberta Tar Sands ... Murray Fire
  8. US Dustbowl #3 (1999) Southwest gas plants
  9. US Southeast (1999) Massive Gulf of Mexico oil wells
  10. Brazil/Amazon Forest (1998) Massive Atlantic oil wells off Brazil's east coast (2020 Details)
  11. Australia (2001 onward) Fossil fule production
  12. New Horizon Oil Well (2010)
  13. Russia (2010) Petro prodution.

More recently

  1. West coast drought-fires with downwind floods depending on jet stream (Texas to New England).
  2. East Coast drought post-Hurricane Katrina
  3. Amazon fires 2019 cause (depending on wind direction whether over land or water)
    1. Panama Canal water shortages
    2. Gulf of Mexico flooding (Houston),
    3. East Coast droughts, and,
    4. Mid-Atlantic mis-shapened hurricanes--see Hurricanes for Dummies.
    5. Record-breaking storms in UK.

YouTube: Global Dying (channel) ... CO2 Killer Molecule ... Polar TimeBomb ... Drought US Midwest ... Hurricanes for Dummies ... Oil Droughts: 1 & 2  ... False Hopes.

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