Hedge funds and private equity firms counterfeiting stocks
Hedge funds and private equity firms engage in buying and flipping corporations after inflating ("recapitalizing") the number of shares. In effect, they counterfeit the stocks which they sell first as IPOs to pay off lenders and then gradually bleed into the market place of pensions and 401ks. Too often, they endow universities with their bogus stocks echoing drug dealers who buy gym shoes for the children of their addicted drug customers.
Average recapitalization: 10:1. Can you duplicate your car title 10 times and sell to 10 buyers? If you do, you go to jail. Decapitalists, instead, go on vacation with your retirement monies.
The sad thing about this decapitalistic practice is how the lenders are workers' pensions and unions. As President, I will organize the American worker to demand their pensions and unions not fund the decapitation of American jobs.