Simplicity in Meaning of Life

Time is the thread in the fabric of life ... the gravity of existence.
No time ... No Life ... No existence.

Living beyond your means lessens your means:
UB meaningless.
Living below your means creates more means:
UB meaningful.

Meaning of Life:
Be a Timeful Creator,
not a Timeless Cancer.

Meaningless menials become meanies.

Time and means are one and the same.
More means means more time and more freedom.
To be more meaningful, question your values.

Be a minimalist mentalist not a malignant materialist.
Live for your real self not for imaginary others.

To be happy with more means, time, freedom and friends,
live like a baby chicken: cheap, cheap, cheap.

Mahatma Gandhi said it more elegantly:
"Live simple so others can simply live."

Timism: The Morality of More Time
All things are qualifiable
by the quantity of time
created or cancerized.

A simple example is qualifying love
in the amount of time the lover
gives to or takes from
the beloved.

The same with inflation:
Do you want more buying power
(the worktime of others),
more funny numbers on funny paper
with purchasing power?

Timism is the Rosetta Stone
of uniting differing schools:

In delineating the time in all things,
Timism is the Periodic Table of Existence,
from neutrinos to religions ...
a Theory of Everything.