Timism: The Morality of More
Cliches and Soundbytes
see email to rtd on opinion
From Timism, the Morality of More Time.
Visions are like opinions: Everyone has one.
Visions without reason are treason to reason
A reasoned vision is a mission roadmap.
A vision without a roadmap is a stop sign.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions from bad visions.
Help that does not help the helpless to self-help is not help.
Careless caring causes careworn carers.
Morality without practicality is immoral.
One's tunnel vision is an opinion.
Answers: Conclusions vs. Opinions
Many people want a single source of truths, that is, simple answers. Truths
vary in complexity on a continuum from 1+1=2 to "what is the meaning of life."
The more complex the issue, the more numerous are the possible answers. One
goes from conclusions (Latin for "common endings", that is, shared answers)
to opinions. Opinions are answers containing what people opine, pine for,
or want.
The more complex the truth, the more it evolves during one's life, that is,
if one questions one's views and values. A quester will go from believing
in Santa, to believing in God, to believing in nothing. I believed in Santa
Claus and then Insanta Clauses before now feeling clueless.
In two emails you will have an opportunity of a lifetime, if you do not spam
complain or unsubscribe. Out of about 6000 initial media contacts about 100
have unsubscribed and about 20 have spam complained. Too bad, so sad, not