Dear Drought Sufferers:

From the essays on CO2 dynamics, you can realize I know how to reverse your drought.

I am not talking about conservation but normal rainfall.

Barnett's Resources, Reasons, and Writings for Primary Moral Imperative
Impact of rising CO2 on dynamic systems found on Planet Earth.

  1. 1969 Scored record high on US Navy electronic school comprehensive final.
  2. 1971 9-month pre-med Organic Chemistry completed in 2 months
    (I analyze atmospheric/weather dynamics as electro/chemical processes not computer phrenology.)
  3. 1972 Completed UG at So.Il.-Edwardsville in 2 years cum laude ... one semester, aced 24 hours.
  4. 1974 Graduate studies in neurosciences and physiology--CO2 metabolic effects were my hobby.
  5. 1982 Droughts Forever: Predicts longer droughts with downwind deluges--destroys foodchain.
  6. 2000 Global Dying: Downwind droughts from major oil fields (on-going)
  7. 2003 AlphaTrifecta: Autism, ADHD, Alzheimers increase due to rise in CO2.
  8. 2007 Bees Dying, Colony Collapse due to CO2 dessicating bees
  9. 2012 Organic Thesis of CO2-caused Climate Extremes and Contradictions
  10. 2012 Midwest Drought began as Rocky Mountain megafires
  11. 2012 Mother Nature does not care about us if we do not care about her
  12. 2014 Fusion/fission dynamics of atmospheric CO2.
  13. 2015 Spring Midwest Floods began as and sustained by California CO2-Driven Drought.
  14. 2015 CO2: The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule

If  California can waste $1,000,000,000 for useless programs, it can lend $5,000,000 ransom for its plan to save California. When the ransom is received (V.A. Drop-off), a Ten-Point plebiscite will be presented for a public vote--Plebiscite Mechanics.

Impeach Governor Jerry Brown  ... Downwind Class Action Suit against California


Bob Barnett

P.S. Otherwise, Burn, Baby, Burn without even making the national news anymore.