Timism: The Morality of More
Cliches and Soundbytes
Primary Moral Imperative: Save life on earth from climate change (1982).
Global Warming Test: Grow the economy till we die, or, Slow the economy so
we live.
Globalization: Buy Cheap Today, Live Jobless Tomorrow-NoTPP!
WarMort: Save Money, Live Bitter.
Best Government? Least Government! ... If We Better Self-Govern.
If politicians make good policies, the polity in the polis will be polite
w/o police.
Women 50/50: Better Government with fewer Dumb-Stickers.
Share Job Time or Jobless Crime. No jobs is the fertile ground for
24in4: By better employing our time, we can have a 24-hour workweek in 4
years with more funds and fun for self, family and community in a safer,
saner world.
Igknowance is bliss until igknowed problems blitz your life.
401ks: The biggest bank robbery in history: Middle Class lost 90% of pensions
and retirement in one generation. How? 401s, Stock Options and IPOs.
Capitalism is a victim of identity theft. Wall Street hijacked its terms
and tools to decapitalize production and decapitate jobs: Bankruptcies and
The lottery is at tax on those who don't know math. 401ks are a tax on the
Middle-Class that igknows math.
Visions are like opinions: Everyone has one.
Visions without reason are treason to reason
A reasoned vision is a mission roadmap.
A vision without a roadmap is a stopsign.
The road to hell is paved with good intentions from bad visions.
Morality without practicality is immoral.
Help that does not help the helpless to self-help is not help (but is mental
and emotional castration.)
Give a fish, you feed for a day. Teach to play, you feed a player for life.
Careless caring causes careworn carers.