Newspaper Signup for JobTime Rights

In reading the following, remember the program of 24in4, aka, Share Job Time or Jobless Crime.

  1. Refinance all loans with profit-sharing payback
  2. Convert healthcare funding into community part-time jobs.

Ask yourself this question as to the probable success of Timists: The Party of More Time: How many Americans will support 24in4 by paying a one-time hour of wages to weekly save 8 to 16 hours of work and wages? Each supporter brings 24in4 closer to reality as well as creates a new national currency based on one's worth, not one's wickness.

Newspapers/Unions: Claim JobTime and Recruiter's Lifehours at National, State or District Level:

What headhunters provide at a 12% of starting salary, Timism's JobTime will provide at 1%. The fee will be divided between JobTime rights holder akin to how MLS real estate fees are divided. For JobTime, the fee claimers are district, state and national. A newspaper can claim the national, state or district rights by pubishing the basic premises of timism to promote the Primary Moral Imperative of saving life on earth from climate change. The essays are:

  1. Regional Primaries (test October 1, 2016) for HOS
  2. VoteTime: Simple, Efficient and Economical
  3. CO2: The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule
  4. 24in4: Share Job Time or Jobless Crime
  5. Decapitalism: How Capitalism if a Victim of Identity Theft
  6. 529s: The Hyper-Inflation of Higher Ed
  7. Stop Atlantic Coast Pipeline or Suffer Droughts, Heatwares and Fires.
  8. Speed of Light: Rotational, Not Linear.

The in-house or out-sourcing cost will be recorded as loan to timism with repayment from cashflow.

  1. For the national rights, these essays must be published in the Washington Post by the Post or a second party.
  2. For states rights, the essays must in the states' largest paper by circulation.
  3. For congressional district rights, the essays must be published in the districts largest paper by circulation.
  4. Only newspapers can claim the JobTime Rights.

The essays should be published on a single sheet for ease of retention and reading. The newspapers or anyone is a liberty to print any of the "Buy an Ad" options with costs being viewed as a loan to timism with repayment from cashflow. An essay or poster can be published only once, thus, the early bird gets the worm. (To be an early bird, Twitter.)

Each essay will have an appended line: If you support these ideas, please sign-up at The cost to you will be free (if one of first 1,000,000 accounts) or one hour of your wages. When you sign up, please enter the newspapers sponsor email so receive one lifehour of credit:" For each account recruited, the newspaper receives, one lifehour credit. The sponsorship is still available to individual to earn five lifehour credits for encouraging a friend read and singup. (You will receive an email on your sponsorship total every 25 accounts).

Reserve: $500 ... three days


Publication fee (as paid advertisement) only for original text. Any editorial insertions are not paid for by timism.