Controlled depopulation:

  1. Mother Nature cannot afford us.
  2. Institutions to blame: UN,
  3. Scorched earth youtube
  4. Rat's experiment
  5. 30 year birth
  6. # of births
  7. seatbelts, airbags,
  8. AC
  9. BTU tax
  10. Elephant in the room: Overpopulation

With rising oceans and alterred rain-patterns, more and more people will be crowded into less and less arable land. Social, economic, and political warfare is inevitable from over-population. The only viable alternative is controlled depopulation.

blame your parents

A childe before 30, loose your healthcare and condemned to minimum wage job. No home electricity.

Healthcare section: none after 50. Take care of self before.

  1. Self-care or no care.