Military: Climate Change Impact

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1 Pyrrhic Victories: Speeding up climate change, winning battles but losing the war to save life on earth: What good is it to destroy enemy if the mode of destruction destroys your children's future?
2 CO2: The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule: In an 1982 essay Oil Droughts,  worsening droughts were predicted from rising CO2 levels with downwind deluges causing social, economic and political chaos.
3 Climate Change Wars: All the wars since 1970 are due to climate change ... nothing new. Throughout history, climate change has driven human migration.
  1. Central Asia droughts drove peoples southward into India (Arians) and westward into Eastern Europe (Gengis Khan).
  2. The Roman Empire was repeatedly invaded from nothern neighbors confronting food shortages from drought or deluges, e.g., Huns, Goths, Vandals, etc.
  3. Today, Africa has suffered the drought-driven loss of a million square miles of farmland forcing people into crowded conditions which becomes the bedrock of radicalism, e.g., Boko Haram, al-Shabaab, etc.
  4. Today, the Mid-East is full of refugees and terrorists from lands suffering climate change: droughts and deluges, e.g., Isis, Taliban, al-Qaeda, etc.
4 United Nations with its pro-litter policies is behind most of the human suffering, encouraging over-population in lands that cannot support more human beings. NGOs careless care causing careworn carers. As was published in 1992, if you want to stop seeing pictures of starving children then stop feeding them. Humans are a cancer on Planet Earth which can only be stopped by reversing population explosion. It has taken a few centuries but the Malthusian nightmare is now becoming true.
5 Concrete Costs of War: Current warfare models win military battles but lose the climate change war. After fossil fuels, the 2nd worst source of human CO2 is concrete manufacture. If all the militarily destroyed concrete structures are rebuilt, climate change will accelerate worsening the human condition that causes social, economic and political upheaval.

Old and New Sins: The burning of Notre Dame Cathedral with the multi-million dollar reconstruction costs are a CO2 sin against Mother Nature that will speed-up climate change. Better to leave the hulk as is and built a simple edifice to house the heirlooms of prior sins.

6 Funny Numbers on Funny paper delude low-information thinkers. In the Second World War, money was plentiful but manpower was scare and rationed. Today, China spends fewer dollars than the US military but gets more bang for the buck.
April 3, 2018

China’s work ethic beats our decrepit democracy

Editor, Times-Dispatch:

The global competition between China and the U.S. is about which nation can build a stronger military. The economic benefit of China getting six times the manpower for every dollar spent echoes how China is building six aircraft carriers while the U.S. is building only one. China is building its military with our trade-deficit dollars, thanks to a corrupt, incompetent Congress.

The U.S. has the problem-prone 125-mph Acela train on 400 miles of track. China has 200-mph trains on 13,000 miles of track. Claims of Chinese inferiority ignore global reality. China’s “Panama Canal” moment is the new two-day Beijing-to-Paris train on its new Silk Road network. In the U.S., we cannot fix our decaying highway infrastructure or dilapidated schools. But we have millions for sports camps and beer buses, thanks to ill-valued politicians.

In a war with China’s larger, better-equipped military, we would have to use our reserves upon which we, as a nation, have spent trillions of dollars — the NFL, NBA, NCAA, NHL, as well as Facebook. China funds a major-league military while the U.S. economy funds major-league play.

America suffers from habitual politicians supporting habitual players. China’s arsenal of efficiency will defeat America’s abandoned, decrepit arsenal of democracy. China’s work ethic will triumph over our play pathos.

Robert S. Barnett.

7 Draft--Bring it back: Our military is pricing itself  out of the world market: U.S. leadership in merchant marine, automobiles, steel, etc., has withered as the US priced itself out of the world market. The same is happening with our upper middle-class military compensation system. Bring back the draft. A benefit would be guidance and structure for the valueless youth sheltered from reality by helicopter parents and schools.
8 Over-population Killing Planet: If you don't want to see your children suffer from climate change chaos and catastrophes, don't beget them. The U.S. Midwest Bomb Cyclone flooding is not a one-time thing nor are the more powerful hurricanes. With the accelerating, synergistic existential meltdown, all children are going to suffer. The refugee camp images of starving children has America parallels: 13 million impoverished children. Another way to avoid pictures of starving children is to prioritize tv ads of starving pets or ads of expensive pet food.
9 Brain drain double-edge sword:
  1. Those who say the U.S. should have open borders igknow how the immigrants are, as always, the best and brightest in their homelands. This brain drain contributes to the chaos in the immigrants' homeland.
  2. Consistently, despite nativist rhetoric, immigrants have been more intelligent and motivated than the native-born workers causing resentment and violence. This was true of the Great Migration of blacks from the South to the North. Low iCubers go nowhere, believing bitching and moaning is their solutions to their problems.
10 Scorched Earth or Feed the Invaders: Without hard choices being made, the military will continue to fade as climate change weakens it means to do its job. Timism proposes the Manheaven Project using the contrast of the Confederacy and Russia in addressing catastrophic options. Consistently, throughout history, Russians have had a scorched earth policy when invaded so as to deprive the invaders of substenance, e.g., Asians, Napolean and Hitler. On the other hand, Gen. Wm. Sherman would never have succeeded in his March to the Sea were it not for Southern plantations keeping rather than destroying their logistics.
11 Deathrow Inmates: Humanity is on deathrow due to the accelerating, synergistic existential meltdown. Commutation of our self-imposed death sentence requires radical re-thinking to fulfill the Primary Moral Imperative of saving life on Planet Earth from climate collapse.
12 Neutron Bomb or Chemical Warfare--not structure destruction: At some point as climate change becomes a hockey stick curve, consideration must not only be given to controlled depopulation but an end to population destruction by environment destruction. The most obvious tools are neutron bombs or chemical warfare. The alternative to controlled depopulation is the continual depopulation by nature, terrorism and, eventually, warfare. Controlled depopulation is preventative medicine we will probably never see.
? There is one simple, inexpensive modus operandi by which to defend America without destroying the future of life on earth. That mode of operation depends on the Tools of Timism for better democracy and better capitalism. Investing time into Timism is the most profitable use of your time if you have the iCube (integrity of intellect and intelligence) to look at the big picture.