Handout posted at www.RecallRVA.com/Handout-back.htm with links of documentation

What you can do: Steps to Stop Navy Hell

  1. Signup: Claim 5 lifehour credits in Timism
  2. Pledge to collect 12 signatures at RecallRVA.com
  3. Printoff your district petition, single double-sided sheet
  4. Printoff ten handouts, Single sheet (front * back).
  5. Mail/Deliver to designated location on petition to claim 40 hours of lifehour credits.
  6. Protest at City Council Meetings: Claim 5 lifehour credits for each attendance
Lifehour rewards, IPO about $25


Signup, free


Pledge and Deliver Petitions


Pledge Protest City Council


Dirt on politicians (1 or more)


Campaign against Navy Hellions
52 Minimum ($1300 in IPO value)

Lottery: 1st Prize 2500 ($62,500)

Business Model of Timism: Give Away Shares to Problem-Solvers
Which would be a greater legacy of Timism's shares?
1. Fund another foundation of which few people know except for self-promotional TV ads.
2. Allocate ownership to individuals who promote the Primary Moral Imperative to reverse climate chaos.
Timism did not use venture capital. Instead, Timism's primary funder, programmer and owner can award his 100% ownership. shares to supporters of better democracy and capitalism. Early-birds can claim $100k in shares.

Mental Sponge
Timism's originator graduated from the largest Illinois university cum laude in two years (transcript). He ace'd 24 credit hours in one semester of seven classes. As an overload, a year of pre-med organic chemistry was completed in two months. In the US Navy, he scored a record high on the electronic comprehensive final exam. His resume and achievements list numerous, diverse success stories. When he became successful in a new area, he became bored and moved on. Based on his background in electricity/electronics and chemistry, his approach to understanding atmospheric dynamics is electro-chemical, not computer modeling. The latter merely predicts while the Timistic approach explains and predicts. 

Carbon Dioxide: The Global Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule (summary)
In graduate school my hobby was the metabolic behavior of CO2. In the early 1980s, the media focus of rising CO2 levels was global warming. Wrong focus. My 1982 essay stated that the more immediate suffering would be precipitation changes (droughts/deluges) causing social, economic and political chaos. The new normal. The number of climate change refugees in the last year has doubled to over 100 million. Every war since 1970 has been a climate change driven war. Climate hell is the global underlying cause of inflation as well as un-, under- and mis-employment which begets civil chaos.

Understanding CO2's hydrophilia (how CO2 likes water more than water likes itself) is the thread in fabricating how CO2 clothes life on earth in worsening shades of gray. The CO2 Killer essay explains its fatal impact on all levels of existence. In 2001, the Australian fires were predicted based its energy policy.

Supportive essays expanded on the hydrophilia/dessication property of CO2, e.g., Hurricanes for Dummies, Polar Time Bomb, Bees Dying and the AlphaTrifecta. The latter explains how rising CO2 levels are behind rising rates of autism, ADHD and Altzheimers as well as allergies and asthma. Most climate researchers focus on one aspect. The CO2 Killer summary unites the spectrum of CO2 changes around one common factor: hydrophilia. For more than 15 examples of CO2-driven historic droughts/deluges, see Global Dying. Dominion Energy's Atlantic Coast Pipeline will daily result in 1.5 billion cubic feet of greenhouse gases that suck up East Coast water for dumping in the downwind Atlantic ocean, causing droughts, fires and dementia.

It is not enough to describe what is wrong. I have created the tools to organize and motivate people for the Primary Moral Imperative, that is, saving life on Planet Earth from climate hell? The tools? Better democracy and capitalism via brainbees and lifehours.

On a sinking ship, apathy is suicide ... cheerleading play is homicide ... preaching igknowance is genocide.

Copyright Robert S. Barnett 2019, v:200123