
  1. The 2020 Election presidential election was rigged. Donald Trump should be President.
  2. Emotional trauma is mostly caused in people who fail to get something-for-nothing based on their igknowance, insecurities and inferiorities: Boogie Man, Santa Claus, TV Ads, Social Media and other figments of imagination. Bad values metastasize mental maladies.
  3. The U.S. Supreme Court is really the Vatican Supreme Court because six members are Roman Catholics with one papist being too radical for even the pope. We need 9-year term limits with an annual brainbee to provide the President with 7 choices from we the people. (Joe Biden is a papist.)
  4. Most immigrants sought to escape religion dominating politics. The Framing Fathers rejected taxes supporting religion (1787 Northwest Ordinance) and the designation of Tuesday for voting, not Sunday nor Monday, because of wanting to keep religion out of politics.