Signup: Add continent... UN a failure, climate changej ... cliches ... save lives ... US Supreme court? stupid people

Gerrymandering: prior/previouslevel voting ...

GeoLevel determines BBLevels

Pacific Nations are part of Australia, e.g., Japan, Indonesia, Philipines, etc. Not U.S. possessions.

Monthly Global Citizen Legislation

  1. xn na North America Namibia N_
  2. xs sa South America
  3. xe Europe
  4. xf Africa
  5. xp Pacifica
  6. xo Asia Orient

Timism incentivizes people to organize and prioritize to ??

  1. Stupid people: How to stop them .... stop brushfires of despotism
    1. That is stupid. Did you hear it on social media?
    2. Conspiracies
    3. How much for this entertainment?
    4. Kill'em
    5. Zip Ties
  2. Why individuals must stop stupid people: youtube vids
  3. Examples of stupidty
  4. What to say to stupid people
  5. What to do to stupid persons: Send a note: If we have a civil war, key card
  6. Submit a stupid person
  7. De-Electrifying Brainbee 7/month in SuperBrainbee offenses; poll 49
  8. Youth wisdom forums
  9. City Councils/10,000 lifehours to be split
  10. Timist
  11. Timists: No habitual politician, Democrats or Republicans
  12. Votetime
  13. Climate Cancers: define and re-time
  14. CO2 cost of flying as analogy for cost of solving problems, not in currency but in lifehours.