Free Lifetimes for Lifehour Acquisition

In the Steven's Spielberg's movie "Lincoln," Thaddeus Stevens says in defense of the 14th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution that we are not created equal but we are equal before the law. Likewise, we may not be created equal in our economic potential but we should not be systemically disadvantaged because of economic injustices. One cannot have the underprivileged without the overprivileged, and one cannot have the disadvantaged without the over-advantaged.

The most obvious example of systemic economic inequality is slavery which the Emancipation Proclamation and 14th Amendment formally and legally ended. However, Jim Crow economically continued enslavement in various forms, e.g., share-cropping. Likewise, company-owned towns enslaved workers to same old same old economic plight. 401ks are economic enslavement: The biggest bank robbery in history that stole the retirement savings, pensions and time of aging workers.

Internationally, currency inequalities foster economic inequality and injustices. The British Empire was funded by various direct and indirect taxes on India's population, e.g., the salt tax. After the Second World War, the United States funded its super-power status with Monetary Colonialism whereby the dollar was used to extract wealth that immediately impoverished the colonized while imbalancing the colonizing nation's economy.

Globalization is an inevitable cancerous extension of economic slavery via monetary colonialism as nations manipulate their currencies for immediate economic over-advantages. The corallary of politicians enslaving domestic workers to provide cheap goods to foreign buyers is China massive plantation system enslaving the bulk of its citizens. For the people buying cheap goods via systemic currency inequalities, Globalization: Save money today, live jobless tomorrow. The gradual cancerous decline of the United States as a global economic superpower due to US Monetary Colonialism and Chinese state capitalism was hockey-stick accelated by the Corvid-19 virus.

To reverse the economic collapse due to currency inequality, Timism offers theoretically and pragmatically the Lifehour. The ultimate value of anything is the time required to produce and own it. As a currency (in fact, not laws), the lifehour transcends the boundaries of nations and centuries. The real cost of a bushel of wheat or corn (in any nation at any point in history) is the human life hours required to produce it. The cost is not funny numbers on funny paper. Would you rather live in a nation where it takes ten hours or ten minutes to produce a bushel of wheat?

(As explained more fully in the Lifehour index, a nation's lifehour value is easy to calculate. Take the number of hours required to acquire the daily neccessities of life and divide that number into the 24 hours of the day. If you have to work only one hour for your needs (not your wants), you have a lifehour value of 24. If you have to work 12 hours then your lifehour value is two. Igknowing funny numbers on funny paper, which economy would your rather live in? A 2 or a 24 lifehour economy?)

An interesting historical note: Japan's first national currency was based on five bushels of rice which was a human "lifeyear," that is, the rice required to keep a human alive for one year. Commodity-based currencies was the basis of the Confederate States of America creating a special currency redeemable in bales of cotton. Likewise, this is the basis of dual-currency economies, e.g., Cubas peso/dollar dichotomy.

The Tools of Timism include brainbees which are like spelling bees whereby people compete to spell out solutions to common, shared problems. Brainbee winners will receive lifehour credits. Similarly, one can acquire lifehours by reviewing tenets of Timism, e.g., the Ideal Lotteries, wherein for pennies one can acquire dollars. Actually, for lifeseconds or lifeminutes, one can acquire lifehours.

It is important to note that the Tools of Timism are linked to each nation in creating the pool of lifehours for that nation. Initially, a nation's lifehours as currencies are limited to that nation. Eventually, exchange rates will be established based on true profit-sharing to optimize, stable, sustainable economic trade. Economic equality in currencies based on the value of human life will, for instance, stop the injustice of the sex trade where a person can make more money as a willing or unwilling prostitute in a more economically developed nation.

Payments in equal time in each nation lets citizens of poorer nations have access to government of, by, and for the people ... if they want.

Free Lifeminutes in your PrePay account

Until Lifehours have displaced the dying dollar as the pre-dominant daily currency some everyday currency is needed to fund required services, e.g., internet clouds. To simplify and speedup processing supporters voting for Timism proposals, a pre-payment process is used by which one can, as needed, put funds in a PrePay Account. Thus, one only has to imput credit card information every so often as opposed each time you review and support a Timism proposal.

It is suggested that you use your free prepay funds to vote for

  1. Primary Moral Imperative of saving life on Planet Earth from Climate Hell, and
  2. Business Model of Timism.

Each has substantial gratis Timism shares, aka, lifehours. At anytime, you can add more funds to prepay account from $5 to $2500 (PrePay Account).