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Cast irony cookware: Lodge

Decades ago, this cook concluded that "stickless" cookware was a gamble with one's health. Too often, manufacterers' promises are not worth paper upon which they are written. In 2023, a government agency issued a warning on PFAS, a key chemical in teflon coatings. Like cigarettes causing cancer and CO2 causing climate change, industries already knew the healthrisks of their products: Companies Hid Dangers of PFAS Forever Chemicals For Decades.

Cooking with cast iron requies a modicum of intelligence. When properly seasoned with a wipe of oil and a few minutes of high heat, the surface is as slick as Teflon cookware. If one burns stuff and requires elbow grease to restore slickness, one should be happy that it was not PFAS as the poor cooking skills would give one a meal with PFAS. One can brown or sear food at a level that is dangerous in Teflon pans.

Along the way over many years, I made a monthly visit to three nearby thrift stores for clothing and incidentals. When I saw a cast iron cookware that I did not have, I  bought it. Usually, I paid about 10% of in-store new costs. Some items are duplicates, e.g., petite egg fryers and big round flats.

Below are images of my "artistic" organization of my two dozen or more cookware.

My favorite cook assistant and some meals.