
U.S. Boycotts: Comment, Commit and Earn A Lifehour Credit

Today, bearable sacrifices. Tomorrow, unbearable suffering.

Boycotts are a withholding of one's labor or purchases to effect economic and/or political change. Named after an Irish land agent in 1880 who evicted farm tenants unable, because of crop failure, to pay the full agreed rent. Community organization resulted in others refusing to rent the vacated property which meant no crops would be planted or harvested for the owner. Simple math prompted the landowner to lower rents to get something rather than nothing.

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Iowa: Caucuses destroy America's Democracy (!!!email) Pledge PR TvAd www
New Hampshire: Early primary destroys Democracy Pledge PR TvAd www
Trump Electors
TestBoycott for Programmer Pledge PR www

Why You Pledged to Boycott, Submission (255 characters max)

One Lifehour Credit for Submission

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Boycotts take many forms. From Wiki (Boycotts)

  1. African Americans during the US civil rights movement (notably the Montgomery Bus Boycott)
  2. the United Farm Workers union grape and lettuce boycotts
  3. the American boycott of British goods at the time of the American Revolution
  4. the Chinese boycott of American products to protest the extension of the Chinese Exclusion Act in 1902
  5. the Indian boycott of British goods organized by Mohandas Gandhi
  6. the successful Jewish boycott organised against Henry Ford in the USA, in the 1920s
  7. the boycott of Japanese products in China after the May Fourth Movement
  8. the Jewish anti-Nazi boycott of German goods in Lithuania, the US, Britain, Poland and Mandatory Palestine during 1933
  9. the antisemitic boycott of Jewish-owned businesses in Nazi Germany during the 1930s
  10. the Arab League boycott of Israel and companies trading with Israel.

Individuals and nations vote their billfolds as history has shown. Both of the English/American wars were ended by pressure of the English business community of the wars on economic trade, in effect, consumers forced to buy less due to military interference.

The essay "Dollar Democracy" details how one finances or denies one's oppressors with one's buying power. Each dollar spent is a vote for a better or worser future. If you withhold dollars from your oppressors, they will stop oppressing. Sadly, most people don't know how to spell and define oppressor to know when they are self-defined economic slaves working on chainless plantations.

The prior paragraph notes how boycotts can avoid events escalating into warfare. If the sufferers are willing to suffer more so their oppressors start suffering then the oppressors will change. Would America have a Black President if the Civil Rights leaders of the 1950s & 1960s had advocated violence instead of peaceful protests and boycotts? If we are to fulfill the Primary Moral Imperative to save life on earth from climate change, we must boycott the individuals and businesses who are greedily destroying the needed infrastructure. Many are unaware of their economic selfishness causing social and political collapse, e.g., the failed states of the Mid-East, almost all Islamic.

To avoid unbearable suffering, please boycott the following. One can submit a comment of upto 255 characters for which a fee is charged consisting of the processing fee and "one-minute" of national wage. The submitter receives one lifehour credit for their account.

At one million submissions, submitting will terminate. A brainbee will be initiated. Winners will receive lifehour credits which increase with each level. When the final brainbee is complete, the votes will be analyzed to create a 343-comment citizen commission with comments from highest to lowest vote. Why you pledged will be shared with lifehour credits for top voted pledgers.

Dollar Democracy costs you a dollar to earn a lifehour credit for reading and agreeing with these boycotts. More important than the lifehour credit is you life hours of quality enlightening of igknowant souls which will save you money and time many times over: The cost of living is the time cost of unsolved problems. Inflation is the increased loss of time to worsening unsolved problems.

Pledges: I understand if I make this pledge and am found to be in violation of the pledge that I will lose my Timism account including the right to refinance my loans and do community service for healthcare.
