Script Management Table for Programmers
Programmers Script/Account Management IndexTocA  [Not Found] ... Manual On Timism Scripts [Not Found] (version: 150824@18:02)
  2. CO2_Angels.htm ... CO2_Angels.php ...  Signup caveat ... Arrest Putin
  3. Cathy_Funds.php ...
  4. Delete ZS Signup tests tables: MemberID, Nation
  5. Delete ZB Brainbee tests tables: MemberID, Nation, State
  6. Modify databases: I:/ NtLoop.php: Modify table or columns
  7. Patrick Henry SSA full ... Patrick Henry SSA\PHSSA ... Patrick Henry SSA .htm (local)  Patrick Henry Test ...  
  8. Iceland, Center of Timism:  Timism Totals ... Iceland IS_Proposal (with Process.php) ... DO_Proposal.php

Brainbees: Parameters ... query string: votecycle/submissioncycle ... max # ... max days ... Instructions .. truncate? ... Submissions: 7rows ...

  1. Test sequence 2023-10-31
    1. VotesRecord.php
    2. Profile_Politics Options: Change, Create, Insert & Read
    3. Tests_BBs: Truncate? EmailRSB TableBorders ... Items: Individuals vs. Issues
    4. Querry Options
      Option Individual Issue Firefighters
      BBProcess Individual Issue
      Query Options
      1. DNA
      2. Profile
      3. Resume
      4. Submission=Profile
      BBProcess yes yes
      database Tests_BB Test_BBs
      dbTable Test_Individual Test_Issue
      MemberEmail no, test generate

    5. BBProcess
      Actions 1. Create
      database (Common) and dbTable (Profile_Politics) defined in code
      Uses Profile_Politics.htm to make Profile_Poltics.txt as column source
      Ballot: links Read
      Individual_Election Yes DNA$,Profile, Resume Read


      BBProcess: Individual
      1. Create Profile (if needed) Politics.php?Profile_Option=Create&Nt=ZB &database=test_BB&Delete=Yes
      2. Single entry for one end-user Profile_Politics.htm w/Delete ... w/o Delete(test unique index)
      3. Multiple:7,49,etc use Submissions ... w/o Delete(test unique index) ... @49-SPFCVR
      no personal or political info #Issue
      BBProcess: Issue
      1. Single entry for one end-user NO POLITICAL PROFILE Profile_Politics.htm w/Delete ... w/o Delete(test unique index)
      2. Multiple:7,49,etc use Submissions  BBProcessw/Delete: ... w/o Delete(test unique index)
      no personal or political info

      Individuals Issues
      Create db table Nt:Common.Profile_Politics delete common.MemberID
      delete common.Profile_Politics
      1. Programmers notes, truncate/delete?
      delete Nt:BBTests.Individuals: Ballots
      Insert db table from Profile_Politics.htm yes No
      Ballot links
      Ballot Submission
      Read one's Profle_Politics.php row

      1. Profile_Politics:
        1. Create via before submissions
        2. Insert via Profile_Politics.htm
        3. Resume (Get)
      2. Submissions
        1. Tests_BBs_submissions with No Subroutines shown
        2. Tests_BBs_submissions with Subroutines shown (Programmers_notes) with truncate
      3. Primaries: Tests_BBs_Primaries
      4. Candidates Review: Tests_BBs_candidates_revu
      5. ZB _ZB 1_ZB 2
      6. test all nations
      7. Singles with
    6. Delete Firefighers Gerrymandering tests databases
    7. ProcessBrainbees.php for stepping one at a time
    8. ProcessBrainbees.bat automatic
    9. ProcessBrainbees7: Delete plus start
    10. One Level automatic 7 to 1 Level FireFighters
  2. Grassroots_Gerrymandering_Test
  3. Delete TEST_USZB in US:MemberID
  4. TestBrainbees_49_343_2401.htm .... derived from Investor Revu brainbee review 49,343, 2401  [Undefined arrays]  .... LevelBrainbee.php
  5. Grassroots_BB_Email_Tests (2023_06_26) brainbees Signup ["case VW_dbTable_Brainbees_create" not found]
  6. Random_Grassroots_Gerrymandering_Test (2023_06_28) (no insert, just numbers) ["Watch Grassroots Gerrymandering work"]
  7. BbEntry.php: Writes to test brainbee ... dead? [[Not sure how this is use"]
  8. Civility Brainbee Request, US (retro) [Suspended pending business creation]
  9. Brainbees\LevelBrainbee.php: [loops on sign in]
  10. Test Options [fatal error]
  11. Not found
    1. Grassroots_Gerrymandering_test [not found]
    2. Brainbee Sub Tests [URL not found, 404]
    3. ScheduleBBTests [URL not found 404]
    4. . VoteRecord [No database POST retried]
  12. Unused
    1. ActivateBB: .bat .. .php replaced by ProcessBrainbees.php

Mailing Scripts

  1. Activate Full-Service (deposit 1000) ... Activate Full-Service LastPayment 49000 ...  (?ActivateTimism.php(Ukraine))
  2. Mass Mailer Form: I: ... https:
  3. LinkList_Delete: Client ...  Server
  4. Upload Twitter Changes:  Client ...  Server
  5. .org Upload_Timism_com.php
  6. .com Upload_Timism_com.php
  7. FrogLeaping (server) Remove appendages
  8. VerifiedCleanup_2023Feb23.php
  9. BounceCleanpup Feb12 2023
  10. Get UA emails (Ukraine)
  11. Portals: Officials_UA ... Educators_UA ... Survivals_US
  12. Watch Grassroots Gerrymandering work ... ZB Test
  13. MailTest com

  14. MailTest org

  15. MassMail (0-)
  16. dbMailCreate : Create database of email address from folders/.txt files
  17. Bounces: revu and update marketing database ... Allfields
  18. Cleanup Cleanup_db_GGMassMailAddresses.php
  19. Ukraine Promisers: (Aug25, 2022)

Signup Via Emails: Signup vs. Email only vs.

  1. C02 Test


All entries have been programmed but not quality controlled. Uploading is forthcoming.
QC Sequence Alpha Sort Alpha Sort
  1. Tests
    1. Signup (Surveys: election fraud ... )
    2. activate brainbees
    3. Action Teams
    4. idea lotteries
    5. Ukraine organize and DigiOcean
    6. Rick&Caroline
    7. Digital Ocean
    8. Grassroots
    9. Superbrainbees
    10. webinares
  2. code>defaults
  3. Email Mass Mails
    1. Test
    2. Competition Universities
    3. Timists New Party
    4. CO2 Killer
  4. Update Uploaded Scripts
  5. Sandbox TESTDB signups, all.
  6. Nation Select
  7. National Menus: US, DE, IN
  8. Update(FTP/batch)
    1. US States Signup: mf,VA,IL
    2. ??
  9. Create Demes: Nation, States
    1. Nation Creates
    2. State
    3. Make NtStFedLo
    4. Modify Db Tables (NtSt)
    5. mysqldump-Test
  10. 24in4 cleanup
  11. Earn Lifehours
  12. Litigation
  13. Contact Bob
  14. Ballot, VoteTime
  15. (Timism
  16. Feedback
  17. RecallRVA
  18. VCU24in4
  19. Bumper Stickers
  20. Burn Alberta, California Class Action
  21. Petersburg

  22. Encourage Mailings
  23. HelpNeeded
  24. Password Lost
  25. Angels/Crowdfunding
  26. Internet Research
  27. Issues Mailings
  28. Initiators
  29. Dollar Democracy
  30. Launch Scripts
    1. Ballot Managers
    2. Brainbee/VoteTime
    3. Clubs
    4. Manage Manage
    5. Quests
    6. Scripts
    7. Tests
  31. Active, Live above ***No
  32. Bumper Stickers
  33. Super BB (t) OptionsIntro
  34. California Recall:
  35. California Class Action
  36. NOAA submissions
  37. Patrons
  38. Platform 2016 (feedback)
  39. PIIGS Loans
  40. MediaTag
  41. New T-Party: LA, NJ, VA (t)
  42. Petitions ("NJ VA")
  43. Feedbacks
    1. One-Minute Democracy
    2. Banned Persons/Organizations
    3. Boycott
    4. Semantics
    5. OB
    6. NG
  44. Articles Published
  45. Payables
  46. Future ***************************
  47. Plebiscite
Super BrainBee ToBe's, TTD
  1. Plebiscites: (below)
  2. Homesteading
  3. NtStFedLo List
  5. Manual49BB
  6. Va Gulag
  7. PTSD
  8. Ultimate Terrorist
  9. emailVCUJSargVSU
  10. Anti-CO2-Sinning
  11. Lifehour Plebiscite
  12. Buy Ads
  13. Cabinet Appointees
  14. Citizen legislation
  15. Class Actions: VaPower, Calif, Minnesota,Exxon
  16. Seminars
  17. Dutch Auction
  18. Feedback
  19. LendLease, Ukraine: php
  20. Litigation
  21. Newspapers
  22. Regional Primaries
  23. Richmond Area Jobs
  24. Two-Fers (existing accounts or create Virginia)
  25. Vote Time
Accounts Form
Articles Published
Banned Individuals and Organizations
Boycotts ... (PledgeBoycottTrump)
  1. Signup: Grassroots_Gerrymandering_test
    1. President (just resumes)
    2. Citizen Legislation (texts)
    3. SIU-
      1. civility brainbee
      2. video chat
  2. ActivateBB: .bat .. .php
  3. ProcessBrainbees.php
  4. BBsetup-Master (forward) w/TestSubmits
  5. Civility Brainbee Request, US (retro)
  6. BbEntry.php: Writes to test brainbee
  7. Test Options

Brainbee Sub Tests
. VoteRecord

Bumper Stickers
California Recall
Cookies Setup ... Retrieve
  1. !Template
  2. 24in4: Jsarg/Jtcc
  3. Brainbee: VCU vs UVA
  4. Test_Accounting
  5. Test Brainbee: VCU vs UVA
  6. Test_ChocolateVanillaArborist
  7. Test CO2 HS RVA
  8. Test CO2 HS Fairfax
  9. Elementary_Democracy: vsu vs. nsu
  10. Test_LegalWork
  11. Test_Lifehours: gmu vs odu
  12. Test_Lifehours_App: cnu vs jmu
  13. Test_VoteTime umbc/bmcc
Constitutional Amendment
Create Test* emails
Column Rename


Delete US
Delete USMF
Delete USVA
Delete Test Account(s)

Delete Account List

databases in
Dollar Democracy Test
Encourage Mailings
Emergency Funds: 50:1
Local USMF
GGtestsTeam.htm ... php
FTP file exists: HttpErrs.bat

httphttps.php: conversion


Idea Lottery
  1. Template.htm
  2. PMI.php (Options format)
IP Address
Media Claims (ideas NSD)
Big D: Mega Bonus
Nation, Add Listing
Nation, Add One
One-Minute Democracy
PasswordLost PasswordRehash
Patrons Truncate Tests
Payables, Record Goods and Services
Platform 2016 (future)
Petitions ("NJ VA") Truncate Tests
RagsBB: 1st Citizens Legs
Rcaptcha test
Regress Bonus
Seminars on Timism (Closeout/CreateNew)
Signup Via Emails (uses signupupdate.php
Signup ... Truncate Tests
SignupBFC ... Truncate Tests
Signup Free (rCap?)
Signup Pay/Fee Test
Super BB: OptionsIntro ... Truncate Tests
HomeStead US
Team Democracy: GGtestsTeam.htm ... php
  1. Bully Stoppers.htm
  2. Capitalists
  3. Climate Defenders
  4. Electricity Deniers.htm
  5. Igknowance Taxes
  6. Jabber Democracy
  7. Timists
Timism Totals
Trade Lifehours
VCU: Regres Bonus
WriteInVALists (done 191002)
Clean Emails
Delete Account
NtStFedLo Get
NtStFedLo List Make
Homestead Ops
IP Address
Internet Researcher
Mass Accounts

* T-phpInfo.php
Test CVS
US State Loop
US State Candidates
2016 Testing
2015 PR Launch
PayPal Signup Test

  1. Signup Interest rates 0,1,2,3--non-profit
  2. Future Launches:
    1. VA Teachers write-in campaign
    2. Niggerism
    3. Obama
    4. Laws, specific
    5. Chocolate Vanilla crowd funding prelude to press pledge
  3. Actions:
    1. Chesterfield Observer ... Virginia Pilot
    2. PayPal
    3. PIIGS-wash post etc. India ... stop massing to cities
  4. Accounts: Bagga, chris, B&L, Karen Clements, Family members, MaryBeth Wylie, Bank Personnel, Brent Barnett ... 5424180773045304 0915 273
  5. Wanted: Credit Card Processor, Lawyer, Accountant
  6. Crossroads: Test dailies ... Handout ... Will Letter
  7. Crowdfunding
    1. brainbees: zero-cost, super, guys liey, personal democracy, lies I have lived,
    2. votetime: Vote
    3. roadmap
    4. Primary Moral Imperative
    5. Chocolate Vanilla Tree Service
  8. homestead fix (and reference--need to go to accounts management)
  9. Member's Account, generic end information
  10. ... SDHS1968
  11. religios if sign separation of chuch and state
  12. out of signup scripts in payauthnet.php
  13. Brainbee collection
  14. FTP democracy
  15. Chesterfield/Style/VaPilot/WashingtonPost (Caveat)
  16. Minnesota Bees: Class action suit against bracken field, N.D., Frackin organizations
  17. x_customer_ip
  18. Class action: Primaries ... H.S. sports coaches ... Anti-abortionists (politicians, activists, editorial writers, religios) ... Disney Land ... Presidential Libraries
  19. Posters: Clintons, Money-Hungry Decapitalists. Bill, Hillary, Chelsea & ??: DINO Decapitalists.
  1. Daily: Test Script ... email ... links
  2. Standarize: (QC Table)
    1. Signup: Terra and nation check
    2. Angel: 20 signups, max 40 wage hours ... one wagehour minimum.
    3. FTP
    4. Is nation disappearing in Account update?
    5. 3-Step Plus School flip workweek for 2015Rush TParty
    6. Limit Homesteading to lottery
    7. test email/passwords
    8. Updates: taxes, emails
    9. combine (fxCommon,fxAccount and ?)
    10. nthourlywage
    11. Sundays Closed
    12. Signup w/email follow-up
    13. Homesteading.pol
  3. Repairs/Fixes
    1. SuperBB needs review of requires/unnecessaries
    2. Plebiscites(deadends):Plebiscites: Global Warming * Constitutional Admendment * Decapitalism * Health
    3. Accident-causing business postal code--remove hyphens Email superiors homesteaders
    4. Crowdfunding(needs tweaking)
    5. patron final payment, record. If bob
    6. MediaTag(needs article # & 5-part series limited time & links #Email sorted on type/and cash)
    7. Sponsor credit decreasest till 5 million
    8. create for bumpersticker shipper
    9. Need limit to CA only in California ransom
  4. Lost Password
  5. Grand Central: ID/Email/PW?
  6. Cookie Jar QC entries/links
  7. Signup *.htm complete
  8. Re-Compile Timism
  9. Handouts based on EarnLifehours
  10. Big Cookie
Email Marketing Campaign
  1. FTP
  2. Global Warming
    1. Chesterfield Observer
    2. NOAA
    3. NASA
    4. California
    5. Australia
    6. Non-Profits
    7. Universities
  3. Decapitalism
    1. PIIGS
    2. B-Schools
  4. Lifehours
    1. Media
    2. Paul Krugman
  5. Alpha Trifecta
  6. Angel Funds: Two'fers
  7. Iowa/New Hampshire
  8. TED/Idiego/??

Social Media: claire summary


  1. KickStart: I don't know
  2. Indiego: PMI

SDHS, individuals

FTP democracy


POST Launch:
  1. Tax Payments
  2. Iowa Boycott Blog(skewing is self-screwing reddit
  3. UsedCarSalesmen banned (in signup)
  4. TV ads
  5. Business Video
  6. Protest Posters
  7. TestBB email name not found
  8. Help Wanted & Lawyers/Accountants
  9. Angel Investors
  10. Dutch Auction
  11. StateLeg Creates


  1. Delete account in live
  2. Signup test
  3. Homestead
  4. Petitions: limited to principals of Virginia
  5. indextoc: Virginia Plebiscite links
  6. EarnLifehours.htm links
  7. xenu
  8. Patrons
  9. Web problems
  10. California Drought
  11. Class Action suit against California
  12. ??

testCalifornia: jSl62eL8I0cG

529s are: How can you add a bloated bureaucracy with high salaries to the quation of a needed public service without the overall cost increasing? It is called inflation. One of the reasons for education's hyperinflation is the primary and oldest definition of inflation: If you have more money chasing the same goods or services, you will have inflation. 529's are the dog chasing its tail as people more money breeds more inflation breeding need of more funny number playing ... The losers? kids who get stuck with the public debt fueled by inflationary tax breaks which are supposed to lower the cost education but act to inflationarily increase college costs. 529s are a saltwater solution, a rich few winning battles while the majority lose the war. (Many other reasons--people wanting something for nothing, people believing habitual politicians' promises.)

Parallel of Recap and Porn multi movies ... Pornography of Decapitalism: Recap

McDonald's the anti-family restaurant, the Smart Phone eatery, pro-shallow personality fastfoodee.

CrossRoad Talk: Global Warming

  1. Climate Change Globa Warming Discusion (shimmering)
  2. If Global Warming is rapidly worsening from human fossil fuel follies then it really is global dying.
  3. Our Co2 footprints

Rich, Legal Thieves:

  1. When you understand how stock options and IPOs via 401ks are the biggest bank robbery in history, you realize a lot of your captains of capitalism are rich, legal thieves.
  2. bile guts
  3. Do no evil
  4. The PMI requires ...
  5. The Gandhi challenge and truce ... PMI import.

Minimum Wage Sentences: Ostracize and minimize

  1. Bile Guts and Malignant Guts
  2. BGMG employees, co-enablers
  3. SEC
  4. Pension Fund managers