Shawndra Kim Lewis Inmate: #166291
Richmond City Justice Center
1701 Fairfield Way
Richmond, VA 23223

03 Court Letter
05 Anne/college Reference Khloi
06 Don't Fight: If she does not while in jail, I will give he $200
07 Friend: Best or WorseLiar: I want to believe her but know I can't. As Reagan said, "Trust but verify." She will tell you what she thinks you want to hear.
07c Karma: russian roulette. She needs to start playing the rules of life
08 Donot Blame Me: I could give you all the money in the world but it would be worthless without the work ethic.
09 Stephany, Covid Deaths & The Letter: I had an employee who was victim of wrong place, wrong time. My wife and I visited her for almost two decades twice a year (she had no other visitors per visitor log). I went to parole hearings until she was released. I gave her back her old job. Six months later she said she had receive a better job offer, but could not take it because all that we had done for her. There was only one response, a hug and "Take it. I'm happy for you."
10 No more contact
10env All you have to do to have me help you my maximum ability is for you to live the work ethic in which case you won't need help from anyone. Porcia/Porsha?
10 Opportunities ... End of Life Catch-up
11 What question? What answer?
11 Pickup May 21 Funny Thought
12 Rocky Road of life
13 Love reflects the time that is given to the beloved: The more time, the more love.
13 Constructive Criticism is the foundation for a better future
18 Choice: Choice: 40hr workweek or 168hr jailweek
18 Disrespect Once Again ... contract see below
Distractions: put back ... dirty house ... DD ... drugs/recreational ... Distractions: put back ... dirty house ... DD ... drugs/recreational    
Please Change: Or, do you need more jail time?
Judge Update: My elijah doolittle