Make Richmond Great Again? No Gross Casino (a la francais)

Undiscussed, the main reason to again stop the Gross Casino is climate change. Concrete manufacturing is the 2nd largest source of carbon dioxide. The construction will generate unnecessary carbon dioxide that will worsen climate change. Worse will be the customers who burn fossil fuel to travel to the Gross Casino.

Do you distinguish the two CO2 costs of humanity to Mother Nature?

  1. Cost of Living: CO2 generated from producing our needs for living.
  2. Cost of Lying: CO2 metastasized for churning out the wants of the moment.

Our attics, basements, garages, and dumps are full of past, must-have CO2 costly wants. City council's historical graveyard is full of failed political promises: 6th Street Market Place, Main Street Station, Canal Walk, Stoney Point, Navy Hill, etc. In a few years, the Gross Casino will be added to the attic.

Climate Change Test: Grow the economy so we die, or, Slow the economy so we live.

The wanta-bees of the Gross Casino fall into three classes as CO2-sinners against Mother Nature:

  1. Climate Lemmings: The average CO2-sinner who is igknowant of how their actions are killing their future.
  2. Climate Criminals: Pied pipers encouraging people to igknow humanity's role in causing Climate Hell.
  3. Climate Cancers: Organizations and individuals behind the mass of unnecessary CO2 sins.

Richmond supporters of Gross Casino are Climate Criminals. Urban One, the organization behind Gross Casino, is a climate cancer. It creates no time-saving goods or services. It encourages people to play rather than create.

Urban One's media blitz is full of lies and false promises.Promises of post-gambling help from gambling dollars is not preventative medicine. A pre-dominantly Black effort, the Gross Casino is reminiscent of how 90% of Africans who made the Middle Passage were originally captured by fellow Africans. Today's worst black-on-black crime is Blacks enslaving Blacks to play and gamble. Don't big-name celebrities have enough money without being paid point-men for the new Middle Passage--Fox, Hart, Burleson?

The marriage with Churchill Downs sets up the path to an IPO attracting retirement funds: 401ks are the biggest bank robbery ever. Urban One says no tax dollar support. True. But it is worker-funded. The half-billion dollar funding comes from workers' banks, insurance and church investment funds. Another instance of America's myopic Muddle-Class.

Sobering fact: 90% of workers are in non-essential services. They generate CO2 for wants. To reverse climate hell requires massive unemployment. As shown historically and currently, rising unemployment greases the slide into chaos and revolution. The simple solution is recognizing that we have a choice: Share job time or jobless crime. The painless path to a shorter workweek is detailed at

On a sinking ship: Apathy is suicide ... Cheerleading play is homicide ... Preaching igknowance is genocide.

The writer first wrote on "Global Warming" in 1982 when he sent Oil Droughts (an essay predicting worsening drought and deluges) to WWBT-12's chief weatherman, Jim Duncan. Andrew Frieden and Tom Patton were contacted in 2005, To better understand climate change, read the following subsequent research.

  1. Hydrophilia: The simple, molecular 'smoking gun' of more droughts, fires and deluges. (2018)
  2. Siberian Fires Beget Canadian Fires that Pre-sage US Mega-Fires.(2023)
  3. Hurricanes for Dummies: Fewer but more powerful storms (2003)
  4. Carbon Dioxide: The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule (2007)
  5. AlphaTrifecta: Rising CO2 levels increase autism, ADHD and Alzheimers as well as allergies and asthma.
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