The Center of Timism will have rights to 50 years of research synthesizing schools of thought around time which is the thread in the fabric of life, aka, the gravity of existence. Re-branding Existence is a multi-divisioning of Timism as learning modules that incentivize individual and media to learn and share Timism. Wouldn't you like your university to be ground-zero of redefinging existence with the calculus of reality based on the Math of Mother Nature? It doesn't cost anything.

McGill University (
University of Dublin (
University of Edinburgh(

The first university to receive 5,000 votes (below) has rights of first refusal to the Center forTimism.

Greetings President, Deans, Chairs and others:

Timism offers a unique, one-of-a-kind gift to the first university to successfully encourage 5,000 members to sign-up for free to support Timism's goal of the Primary Moral Imperative to save life on Planet Earth from Climate Hell. Behind the offer is a mental sponge. I graduated from Illinois' largest university (29,000) cum laude in two years--transcript. One semester I ace'd seven courses for 24 credit hours. My resume lists many top shelf achievements as I switched career focus when success in a new field bred boredom. My references, especially the last one, reinforces my achievements as well as my eccentricities,

This is a rare gift, that is, a life-long, half-century quest for a T.O.E. based on the quantification of time value in any entity/event at any level of existence by an asperger autist with a very high iCube: Integrity of Intellect and Intelligence. The first university to have 5,000 members signup for free to claim the gift will be given rights-of-first refusal.

The gift is both intellectual and practical. Intellectually, Timism is the Morality of More Time, aka, the Periodic Table of Existence.

  1. Theoretically, as the TOE, Timism defines time in two variables, the clock measure of the event/entity and the time/stability impact on its milieu.
  2. Pragmatically, the Tools of Timism are primarily brainbees and lifehours.

The 1982 Oil Drought essay predicted worsening droughts with downwind deluges--the new norm. Over twenty essays are summarized in "Carbon Dioxide: The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule." Within the Ideas Lottery on Climate Hell, the summary essay is broken into more easily digestible chunks with lifehour rewards to the reader. (Also, the media is incentivized to comment on the Ideas.)

Another new paradigm, in physics, is the how the "linear speed of light is an epiphenomenom of the rotational speed of and precession angle of the basic piece of matter." This simple theory shows how E=mc2=hf. It explains both particle and wave physics as well as numerous other laws, quirks and unknowns of physics, e.g., gravity. Extended upwards throught the periodic table of existence (Timism), it plausibly explains another duality, mind-body.

Life on Planet Earth is in an accelerating, synergistic existential meltdown with our problem-solving institutions failing in the face of a tsunami of worsening problems. Salvation is in better democracy (brainbees) and better capitalism (lifehours). Salvation is in adjusting the workweek to the optimal length for the economic conditions: Why should some people have steak when other able-bodied, able-minded cannot afford beans? (details)

The winning university (5000 signups) will be contacted to organize the Center for Timism. Please note a webpage for numerous philantropists has been created to fund the startup costs including student interns (initially about 100) in different schools and departments as well as advisors. School and department heads will select the Timism's associates. Alumni and benefactors are target-rich environments for philantropists.

The Center of Timism will have rights to 50 years of research synthesizing schools of thought around time which is the thread in the fabric of life, aka, the gravity of existence. Re-branding Existence is a multi-divisioning of Timism as learning modules that incentivize individual and media to learn and share Timism. Wouldn't you like your university to be ground-zero of redefining existence with the Calculus of Reality based on the Math of Mother Nature? It doesn't cost anything.

I am in my eighth decade on Planet Earth. I care not for fame nor fortune but care for a foundation on which Timism will last. In other words, I am a cheap date. The winning university will receive 5,000,000 lifehours ($25/each) when I no longer have to tutor on the mechanics of brainbees. . I am a mentalist not a materialist.

I encourage you to personally signup. As soon as you realize the value of Timism, email your students to do the same whether campus, school, department or classes. You can be a philantropist to your academic community by indirectly opening the door for members to receive six-figure financial gains that will be eventually useful for loan, tax and healthcare payments (details).


Robert S. Barnett

Vote for you school to have the Center for Timism.

normal signup with Vaccine 1st come-first serve.

Votes based on domain name (only 3 allowed)
5,000 indicates date/time of 5,000 votes
Tallies are shared when you vote.
School Domain Students 5,000
McGill University 40,493


University of Dublin 32,387


University of Edinburgh 33,609


Email Address

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