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Dumb Fed's Inflation Fight: Raise interest rates instead of
Reduce workweek length
Monetarism Critique
Monetarism is an economic model predicated on playing games with funny numbers
on funny paper without regard to the "quality" of the economic
transaction. Per Timism's existential model of "Morality of More Time,",
quality is equated with the transaction's creation or destruction of time.
Bean-counting monetarists don't care whether the beans are lentils or castor.
Quantity, not quality, counts. A high velocity of circulation will earn the
originator a Nobel Prize even if the money is chasing Gresham's Law.
It is not enough to be busy. So are the ants. The question is: What are
we busy about? (Thoreau)
Monetarists are simpletons who are good at simple math but are either flummoxed
by or deceitful of the calculus of monetary quality. They know price
of everything but value of nothing.This simplicity is behind the Federal
Reserve increasing interest rates without regard to the impact on the quality
of workers' lives. A monetarist thinks and argues for more money even if
it is from increased gambling and play.
As one cannot often see the forest for the trees, monetarists cannot see
morality for the money. They defend their economic thievery with "And, it
is legal" a sure sign that it is immoral and that politicians have been bought
to legalize economic theft. Tools of theft in order of impact: gun, computer,
politician and economist.
Economic Engine: Monetarists measure and manipulate economic well-being by
the quantity of money going into the consumers' pockets. Does not matter
if high or low octane gasoline. Or, even plain water.
Monetarism is a multi-faceted economic cancer significantly contributing
to the overall accelerating synergistic
meltdown that will inevitably destroy human civilization. Collapse can
be stopped with the simple expediency of a fixed low-interest rate with an
optimal adjustment of the workweek length.
(Kill it before it kills us)
Timism, the Morality of More Time: Every event/entity has a quality time
value based on creating or destroying existence for self and others. Timism
proposes and provides a working economic model based on keeping current the
time value of currency. Time is the thread in the fabric of life ... the
gravity of existence.
The Fed's fidgeting interest rates to fight inflation causes acute
uncertainty for the business community and chronic chaos for the human community.
It is probably safe to say the business leaders, corporate investors, and
everyday Americans would prefer a fixed interest rate with weekweek
adjustment. The Fed already collects the data to quickly implement workweek
reduction process.
Inflation is a Medusa, a many-headed monster. All inflationary sources
involve some people living beyond their means with the under-means people
paying higher, inflated prices. The worsening, number one cause of inflation
is climate change. Drought, fires, floods and storms are destroying the food
chain in a world of more mouths to feed: 67 million a year. Everyone is
increasing their cost of service due to higher food costs ad infinita. Climate
hell indexes how humanity has lived beyond its means in abusing a time-saving
product (oil) to cause future time losses. Inflation is an igknowance tax.
If we do not tax our igknowance to stop climate change, igknowance will endlessly
tax us till it stops us.
Life on earth can survive global economic collapse. Can life survive the
accelerating synergistic
meltdown fueled by fossil fuel fools? Igknownance of
the law is not excuse. Igknowance of Mother Nature's Laws is no escape.
Copyright 2023 Robert Steven Barnett
About the writer
Completed undergraduate cum laude at the largest Illinois university
(29,000 students) in just over two years
one seven-course semester was aced for 24 credit hours ... completed year
of pre-med organic chemistry in two months as an overload. In US Navy scored
record high on comprehensive final of electricity/electronic school.
of a polymath: When successful in a new field, moved onto a new curiosity.
Symbols or Substance
Nomos: The Needed Economics
Climate Change, aka
1982 Oil
Droughts: Predicted worsening droughts with downwind deluges
Hydrophilia (a closed loop)
The simple, molecular 'smoking gun' of droughts, fires and deluges.
Why California's atmospheric rivers will be annual, worsening weather events.
Dioxide: The Global, Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule
Timism: The Morality of
More Time, aka the Periodic Table of Existence (a TOE)
(If you read this far, you have a high
Integrity of Intellect and Information.)
Have given a lot of thought to the process of reducing the workweek as a
key to reducing the most expensive social and economic problem, that is,
dys-employment. In
1998, ran as an independent for Congress receiving one-fourth
of the vote with 24in4 being part of the campaign. I am available as a consultant
to explain the do's and don't's to transition from dumb interest
rate manipulation to an elightened social, economic, political, and, most
importantly, climate policy.
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