Will your newspaper or union receive 10%,1% or no percent of Timism.com's
eventual million dollars of revenues from its internet applications? Visit
the Super Brainbee to get
a hint of the eventual cashflow: One webpage from which one can select any
public policy-making process for any nation, state or locality!
Timism.com is set up to be a public trust generating cashflow as it organizes and rewards people for volunteering to solve public problems using the "Tools of Timism" for better democracy and capitalism. Personal rewards for you are lifehour credits for signing up and stepping through the different options. Non-personal rewards are the allocation of eventual millions of dollars in revenue between media and academic contributors. The national newspaper or union receives 10% of their split. The state "winner" receives shares equal to the number of Congressional Districts. The District winner receives one share. How does your newspaper or union receive the media rights/royalty share of the cashflow? The first daily newspaper to publish this tract as a political advertisement receives the national as well as the associated state and district rights/royalty percentages. The first in a state receives the state's shares as well as the distict. A national newspaper chain or national union could receive the shares from multiple states and districts, e.g., McClatchy, BHM, AFL-CIO. The originator of this train of thought and action cares not about the millions in revenues but wants a safer, saner world in which to finish his final years. In his seventh decade, he cares not anymore about vehicles, attire, travel, fame or fortune. He wants to be left alone with less worry about a world suffering an accelerating existential meltdown. The theory of timism is almost fifty years old. The software is over twenty years in the development. Google News will be used to ascertain date/time of publication for assigning rights/royalties. |