
Angels Needed to Jumpstart Timism's Grassroots Gerrymandering
to reverse Climate Hell and re-suscitate democracy.

For decades since the 1970s, Timism has been a self-funded research and creative effort. Now the Tools of Timism are shovel-ready for global use by all nations, states and cities. Some angel investment is needed to pay administrative and staff costs until cashflow develops. The requested cash is far less than the typical internet start-up costs. The funds will be treated as a loan with repayment via the Global Democracy Tax.

Five million dollars are needed to activate the grassroots gerrymandering of a global forest fire fighting force to stop the closed loop of more CO2 > more droughts > more fires > more CO2 > ad infinitum. The funds will be used to update and enhance VoteTime, the simple, inexpensive universal voting system for all nations, states and localities.

Five individuals or institutions are sought to send a million dollar cashier check to

Timism, Inc.,
c/o Manager,
Wells Fargo Bank
1021 E Cary St Ste 100
Richmond, VA 23219

Include a self-addressed stamped envelope for the return of the voided check if five have been already received. Indicate if you want acknowledged as name or anonymous. This page will be modified once five loans have been received. Timism, Inc., is not a 501c3.

Angels (anonymous or named)
