Brainbees Power
Brainbees are like spellingbees only they spell out problem-definitions and -solutions by finding our Einstein Moments. They are the super-highway to government of the people, by the people and for the people. Brainbees will do to human decision- and policy-making what computers did to bookkeeping and accounting.

Amazingly, any human decisions or policies can be uniquely defined by two variable: the countries ICANN code and the postal code of the building where the human meets. With the Super-Brainbee human policy-making will be increasingly standardized to not only save money but to eliminate unsolved time-wasting problems. International expansion is already coded.

Unlike traditional policy-making, brainbees are as close to a level playing field as one can possible come. Brainbees are color, race, ethnic and religious blind. Among the major uses:

  1. Zero-cost primaries--national, state and local People Primaries for the 2020 elections
  2. Citizen Legislation--Seven monthly legislative initiatives presented automatically to the national, state or local public CEO for submission to the legislative body with judicial review.
  3. Civility Brainbees: Turning public meetings into orderly presentation of citizens concerns to replace replace noisy mob rule.*
  4. Class Action suits: Monthly (seven)*
  5. Job Time: Allow applicants to self-prioritize job candidate.*
  6. Market Time: Public sentiment*
    (*indicates major sources of cash.)

Brainbees are one of the necessary tools of Timism to affect the Primary Moral Imperative of saving life on Planet Earth from Climate Hell. The other tool is the lifehour, a functional currency to reward those who participate in brainbees that can be used, eventually, to pay loans, taxes and healthcare costs. They are tradeable.