Sent: 8/8/2022 5:13 PM
Subject: Heads-up: Ukraine to receive rights to the fees from Timism's "brainbees"

August 8, 2022
The following offer is self-explanatory. It is one of a dozen inter-related opportunities to be forwarded to Ukrainian officials. There is no need to respond until the picture is clearer of what the "Tools of Timism" can do for Ukraine. If you find this heads-up has merit, please forward to other Ukrainian agencies.
The originator of Timism has several achievements that warrant serious consideration of this offer. Intellectually, the clearest achievement was a record set at the largest university in Illinois (29,000 students): Cum laude in just over two years (transcript). One semester of seven courses was ace'd for 24 credit hours. My resume lists lies or luck, you chose.
In addition to specific Ukraine emails outlining my offer, you will receive other emails from Theory of Everything. Important to note is that I am in my eighth decade and care not for fame or fortune. I am an adherent of Mahatma Gandhi of India, not Bile Guts of Maggot Soft.
   Global Democracy Tax for Ukraine:

Summary of Timism Fees

Since the early 1970s, the originator of Timism has sought ways that Timism would be used for the good of humanity. Increasingly, the quality of democracy was seen as the common demoninator to a better future. The originator's writings buttress his determination to do good with Timism. He became a proficient computer programmer to code brainbees.

The profit from brainbees was always intended to for NGOs. Now, 2022, thanks to Putin's War, Ukraine is the frontline in the defense of democracy. Therefore, the bulk of Timism's cashflow will go the Government of Ukraine thru a third-party international accounting firm. The initial percentage will be about 75% which will increase as individuals and businesses are paid off for their initial contributions to Timism and Ukraine.

Timism On-Going, Expanding Cash Sources
From over 150 nations, 3600 states and countless cities and companies.
Brainbees, public and private, are the cash generator
Brainbee process results for submissions:
  • 7: This shows the basic tallying of votes in each brainbee classroom of seven submissions. You can confirm the math.
  • 49: This shows how 1st level winners create the next level of brainbees.
  • 343: Show creation of 3rd level.
  • BrainbeeElection_2401submissions.htm
  • tested to 5,000,000 submissions

Timism's Global Democracy Tax is a systemic infrastructure cashflow to Ukraine as long as it fights to re-gain its pre-2014 border with Russia. The funds will go to an international accounting firm for allocation per percentages. The funds will not be subject to shifting political winds nor donor fatigue.

Timism's committing its global income to Ukraine's freedom depends on Ukraine fighting till all Russian troops are expelled from pre-2014 Ukrainian borders. Should Ukraine sign a treaty before this event then Ukraine loses the right to the Global Democracy Tax with that part of the Timism's cashflow going to the countries of origin.

I support a Global Democracy Tax for Ukraine
based on Timism's brainbee fees
ICANN code 2-letter, e.g.,US
Member Email:

Copyright Robert Steven Barnett, 1979+
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