Ukraine Portal Guidelines for Email and Meetings

6 top officials, 8 ministries and 5 universities
(U.S. State Deparment)

The Portal has been created so Ukrainian decision-makers can, from afar before formalities, ascertain and clarify the benefits of Timism for Ukraine. The main benefits are

  1. Global Democracy Tax
  2. Center of Timism

Bigger benefit: End Putin's War and stop Putin's Climate Crime.

Signup reward and Q&A bonuses:

  1. A US account is created for signup lifehour credits which can, at sometime in the future, be used for purchasing goods and services in the U.S.
  2. At signup, each accouint receives 10,000 or 1,000,000 US lifehour credits (2022 value: $31/credit)--see Startup Bonuses.
  3. Once signedup, questions can be submitted.
  4. Each answered question adds 100 credits with a log recording the Q&A.

Signup requirements:

  1. The home/index webpage must have the following at the bottom:
    We support the Global Democracy Tax for Ukraine, [name of official with title].
  2. A $1000 USD fee via PayPal is required. The fee is used to review the application and to reduce fraud.
  3. U.S. State Department: To participate in the tele-conferences and have questionms answer, the following needs to appear on at the  bottom of the webpage:
    "The United States supports Ukraine receiving the proposed Global Democracy Tax based on Timism's multi-national revenues from brainbees."