191224 (Legal Firm)

Re: Legal firm needed for internet startup

Documented uploaded to for link review:  Timism.org/MassMail/html/Legal_internet_startups.htm

Greetings members of your law firm specializing in internet start-ups,

Before describing shovel-ready Timism.com with claims you might dismiss outright, my qualifications might justifiably delay your dismissal.
Mental Sponge
I graduated from the largest Illinois university cum laude in two years (transcript) I ace'd 24 credit hours in one semester. As an overload, I completed a year of pre-med organic chemistry in two months. In the US Navy, I scored a record high on the electronic comprehensive final exam?

When people review my resume and achievements, they often think I am a liar because of the numerous, diverse success stories. Truth be told: When I became successful in a new area, I became bored and moved on. My references echo my meandering career interest with my greatest pride in the last one. One result of my being a broad-knowledge problem-solver was the repeated accolate of DIBS--Desert Island Bob.

Brainbees: Timism's Shovel-Ready Cashcows
Leveraging Our Combined Intelligence.
  1. Brainbees are on-line spelling bees, an automated, peer-review process to spell-out problem definitions and solutions.
  2. Brainbees will find our Einstein Moments to solve problems in the most economic, efficient and expeditious manner.
  3. Brainbees will do to public and private human policy-making what computers did to accounting and bookkeeping in the 1990s--saving 90% of the cost.
  4. Anywhere, any decision-making can be uniquely defined by two variable: the country's ICANN code and the postal code where the human meets--see Super-Brainbee (International expansion is coded.)
  5. Brainbees are the Super-Highway to government of, by, and for the people.
  6. Brainbees are color, race, ethnic and religious blind
  7. Brainbees mirror our mental cognition.
  8. Brainbees will grow cashflow to redeem lifehour shares acquired by supporters of the Primary Moral Imperative. Examples: Zero-cost primaries ... People Primaries ... Citizen Legislation ... Civility Brainbees ... Class Action ... Job Time

Philantropist/Sponsor: Be One
In 2019, some philantropists assumed student loans, e.g., Robert Smith for Morehouse College and Ken Langone NYU medical school. They did this by selling stock in their corporations. You have the same opportunity using Timism shares.

An analogy: Imagine giving others $100,000 in stock of the next Google or Facebook. As noted in the business model, stock options are to exceed 500 million shares (of one billion authorized shares) within a few years--or sooner--a pittance compared to the average Wall Street IPO--see business model.

You can financially empower yourself and others with enough equity to have funds greater than the average student loan debt. More importantly, you will be creating a new public problem-solving process to reverse climate chaos, the Primary Moral Imperative.

Take a moment--sign up and claim some large stock options. A delete button is available if you don't want the account. Then, email students, friends and family.

Be a philantropist using Timism gratis stocks. Be sure to encourage them to use your email as the "sponsor email address" for which you will receive five more shares of Timism.

Example Free Lifehour Shares ($25/share)
of Start-up 500 million gratis shares
with $25,000,000,000 market cap
Topic Shares Total $ Value




Business Model




Primary Moral Imperative




Ideal Lottery: 24in4




Peoples Primary




CO2: Killer Molecule


4006 $103,555

Visit Claim Free Timism Shares for more shares.

Encourage friends to signup for a chunk of stock:
When millions have billions in lifehour shares,
we will have a new cyber-currency based
in solving problems.

Carbon Dioxide: The Global Multi-Tasking Killer Molecule (summary)
Based on my background in electricity/electronics and chemistry, my approach to understanding atmospheric dynamics is electro-chemical, not computer modeling. The latter merely predicts while my approach explains and predicts. In graduate school my hobby was the metabolic behavior of CO2. In the early 1980s, the media focus of rising CO2 levels was global warming. Wrong focus. My 1982 essay stated that the more immediate suffering would be precipitation changes (droughts/deluges) causing social, economic and political chaos. The new normal. The number of climate change refugees in the last year has doubled to over 100 million. Every war since 1970 has been a climate change driven war. Climate hell is the global underlying cause of inflation as well as un-, under- and mis-employment.

Understanding CO2's hydrophilia (how CO2 likes water more than water likes itself) is the thread in fabricating how CO2 clothes life on earth in worsening shades of gray. The CO2 Killer essay explains its fatal impact on all levels of existence.

Supportive   essays expanded on the hydrophilia/dessication property of CO2, e.g., Hurricanes for Dummies, Polar Time Bomb, Bees Dying and the AlphaTrifecta. The latter explains how rising CO2 levels are behind rising rates of autism, ADHD and Altzheimers as well as allergies and asthma. Most climate researchers focus on one aspect. The CO2 Killer summary unites the spectrum of CO2 changes around one common factor: hydrophilia.

It is not enough to describe what is wrong. I have created the tools to organize and motivate people for the Primary Moral Imperative, that is, saving life on Planet Earth from climate hell? The tools? Better democracy and capitalism via brainbees and lifehours.

Primary Reason to Help:
Primary Moral Imperative
The Primary Moral Imperative is to save life on Planet Earth from climate hell.

What good is our financial wealth if Mother Nature has put us on deathrow because of our climate crimes against her? Better democracy and capitalism are the keys to reversing climate hell.

If you are interested in helping promote the Primary Moral Imperative, please sign-up. Then, encourage your  boss to do whatever he can up thru the person who can directly help Timism. That person should communicate thru the Crowfund Cathy module with a $25 donation (a 10:1 two-fer) with the details of company name, contact person and contact email/phone.


Bob Barnett
3600 Anne Street
Richmond, Virginia 23225

Outline of law firm communication

  1. Intro
  2. Mental Sponge
  3. Brainbees Cashcow
  4. Philantropy for the Masses
  5. Gratis lifehours
  6. CO2 Killer
  7. PMI: Main reason to help
  8. Sincerely RSB

Addendum: The Kitchen Sink

  1. Visions without Roadmaps
  2. TOE
  3. Re-Defining and Re-Branding Human Decisions
  4. 24in4
  5. How Many People Would
  6. Security Review

Visions without roadmaps are stop signs.
Timism's roadmaps extend beyond the horizons. The tools of timism are being given to a dozen universities via a two-school competition: The first school with 5,000 supporters gets the rights and royalties for paying a passel of interns.

Domestic virality will develop as newspapers take advantage of Timism's unique stock options for rags. International expansion is already encoded. International attention will begin with the emailing of the CO2 Killer essay to global/national news and climate organizations.

Pragmatic expansion of Timism will be the Idea Lotteries. Issues are posted for supporters to claim a lifehour share for $0.25 as well as compete to post their own via brainbees. Idea lotteries affirm that morality without practicality is immoral.

TOE of Timism: A Theory Of Everything
Timism encompasses and integrates numerous "things" reflecting a half century of exploring a TOE by a mental sponge based on quantifying time. Intellectually, the timistic broad, deep and inclusive analysis of existence is without precedent.

All entities/events can be quantified in two time variables: duration and impact. By so doing, one sees a "periodic table of existence" repeated in physics, chemistry/metabolism, mentality, economics, politics, and morality. And I have kudos in those fields which is necessary if one is to unite them within one perspective.

Timism is an intellectual Rosetta stone and a heuristic catalyst.

Re-Defining and Re-Branding Human Decision-Making
The Tools of Timism will re-align human policy-making with better democracy (brainbees) and capitalism(lifehours). As a result we will have better morality, i.e., Timism: The Morality of More Time.

24in4: Share Job Time or Jobless Crime
By better employing our human potential, we can have a 24-hour workweek in 4 years with more funds and fun for self, family and community in a safer, saner world. 24in4 is the first step to resolving many social and economic problems as well as a needed step to fulfilling the Primary Moral Imperative. 24in4 is the pre-amble to Timism massive, long-thoughtout overall reforms based on better democracy and capitalism--the Manheaven Program. 24in4 import is captured in a bumper sticker

Timism will be formally capitalized with one billion shares with a projection of around 500 million being given away to supporters in the first year(s). You can see the process by signing up whereby you will receive the below table for progressing thru the gratis stock options. Early birds should receive up to $200,000 in Timism shares/credits with special, larger option for military members and media organizations. A lottery system for each keystone should motivate supporters to read more of Timism.

How Many People Would ...
Why Timism will go viral:
  1. How many people would like to reverse climate hell?
  2. How many people would like to have better democracy with fair, level playing fields--People Primaries?
  3. How many people would like citizen legislation at national, state and local levels to by-pass law-breaking lobbyists and habitual politicians?
  4. How many people would pay one hour of wages to have their loans refinance into a one-time, jumbo loan with zero-interest and profit-sharing payback?

Security Review Needed
While Timism.com, et.al., have been self-funded, it is realized that a professional review of security measures is needed. One million lifehour shares can be purchased for $100,000 with the loan being a two-fer to hire professional reviewer. To pursue, please click on crowdfund Cathy.