I still care about democracy but I no longer care about Ukraine.

I spent a year of almost all waking time after February 25, 2022, formulating several processes to benefit Ukraine:

  1. Index of applications
  2. Global Democracy Tax (original ... truncated and revised)
  3. Crowfound Putin's Arrest
  4. Guns for Ukraine
  5. Portal for Officials to ask questions about Global Democracy Tax
  6. Center of Timism
  7. etc.

On February 15, 2023, I emailed over 200 Ukrainian leaders (Letter ... List) offering my year of work to Ukraine.

I did not get a single response.

Clearly, I wasted time trying to help Ukraine. Now, the bulk of the Global Democracy Tax will not go to rebuild Ukraine but to repay nations helping Ukraine defend democracy via the Lend Lease feature of the Global Democracy Tax.

However, if President Volodymyr Zelenskyy issues a public apology with a written confirmation, I will re-instate Ukraine as the primary and long-term recipient of the Global Democracy Tax to rebuild its nation.